Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

          I can’t believe I forgot to post to the blog last night.  Glade was ready for lights out and in the flurry of the routine, my thoughts went unprinted.
          It was a very light day in the beginning yesterday, but two buses brought participants and a service group brought even more.  A lady dentist from Indiana (I think—any way from the USA) came with her husband, who is her office manager, and three or four other adults who all did endowments.  Several youth accompanied them and did baptisms.  They are going to spend a week here working in a clinic and an orphanage.  The temple was the first stop on their trip and I was so happy to encounter English-speaking people, especially since I was in the “roperia” again.  They all needed clothing so it was fun helping them with that as well as helping them with the ordinances in English. 
          The work in the roperia today felt less like the panicked cat in the river and more like a canine in a frantic dog paddle, so that is definitely progress.  Another sweet sister came by to help me when it was crunch time.
          By the end of the day, things had slowed again; and there was only one couple for the 7:00 p.m. session.  It was the couple in our ward who own the bakery where we buy our yummy bread.  Five temple workers and one faithful blind man who had been there all day provided enough people to go ahead, and Glade and I led the session.  Each day we wonder how many more times we will see the current film.

          These sweet people are so loving and caring as we observe them around us each day.  After the session tonight, one of the workers who had been in the last session gave me a big hug and said in the only English words I have ever heard her say, “I love you.”  It just made my day and I smiled all the way home.  It reminds me how much it can mean to someone to receive even a few words of love and encouragement.  It is something we can each do every day in some way as we look outside of ourselves and seek to lift our family and friends.    

1 comment:

  1. This is Kristie. This post made me so happy. I love you mom. I love your description of the panicked cat in the water. You make me laugh.
