Sunday, October 13, 2013

El blog del domingo, 13 de octubre—GP

I’ve been reading in Spanish to expand my limited vocabulary.  We have a Church Distribution Center downstairs from our apartment and I purchased the text for church history study used at the university level [341-343].
I’d like to share with you an important prophecy given by the Prophet Joseph Smith relating to the Endowment as he experienced premonitions that he was going to be killed.  This is related in the words of Orson Hyde, translated into Spanish, then back to English by me.  I hope the content is not lost in my translation.
Orson Hyde was a member of the Twelve Apostles at the time, just a few months before Joseph’s martyrdom.  “We met with Brother Joseph almost every day for several weeks. In one of these meetings he said, ‘Something is going to happen, I don’t know what it is but the Lord has told me to hurry and give you the Endowment before the temple is finished.’  He directed us through every one of the ordinances of the Holy Priesthood, and after he had finished, rejoiced exceedingly and said: ‘Now if they kill me, I will have all of the Keys and all of the Ordinances and I will be able to confer them on others; and the armies of Satan will not be able to destroy the Kingdom with the same speed as you will be able to build it.”         
Satan’s power and influence are stronger today than ever before.  Our Priesthood Covenants and Ordinances, faithfully kept, are what give us the power, through Jesus Christ, to overcome Satan.  Without them we lose for Eternity. They are powerfully real and true!
Family and friends, go often to the temple.  Strengthen your commitment to keeping the temple covenants.

Love, Dad

1 comment:

  1. This is Kristie Great post dad. That is wonderful counsel and it's so amazing how real the powers on both sides really are. So grateful for the restoration.
