Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

          The temple was full again today and required extra chairs in the sessions.  There were sealings and lots of first time patrons.  Again I am so impressed by the love the people share with each other, with the officiators, and the attendees they have not met before.  The sisters are so sweet to help each other in the session.  Many are proficient as I have commented before, but there are those whose experience is limited and they struggle with the clothing and the processes.  Couple that with age and infirmity and there are challenges in getting everyone through all the steps successfully.  They are so sweet I could just hug them some more for loving and helping one another.
          One beautiful young sister, who appeared to be alone, looked a little dissatisfied during the session.  There was a 40-minute wait before the session started, for the new participants and their companions and perhaps it was a hard wait for her.  However, she seemed to have an “attitude” of some kind all through the session and I hoped I could find her later and see if she was all right—although it would have required an interpreter!!   Anyway, she stayed in her seat in the center until all of the other sisters had completed the veil ceremony.  She was the last one and just happened to be directed to the veil where I was helping.  I gave her my best smile and wondered what she was thinking.  She walked right up to me and said, “Do I have to do this in Spanish?”  I tried not to stammer and told her she could certainly do it in English—if I could get through it.  Remember, I have never been an officiator in English, so I had to go on my own past experience and memory.  Coincidentally, the brother receiving was a senior missionary and he spoke English which made the whole thing possible.  So I took a deep breath, said a prayer, and started in English—taking him off guard, too, of course.  Well, it went smoothly enough and she was fairly well versed in her part.  She seemed very relieved and glad that she could participate in English.  I never did find her later, but hoped that she received a lift and left a little happier after things fell into place for her to participate in English.  That was extremely unusual.  Perhaps it was an answer to her prayer.

One of the patrons drove this vehicle to the temple today.
Notice it says "ambulance" on the back above the window.
I really hope we never have need for one of these while we are here!!

There were people everywhere this morning while we were walking.  I try to walk out of their way as much as possible.  I wanted to take pictures of the groups that were milling together and the little children who were running and playing games in their Sunday clothes, but they may have thought it rude, so I didn't.  I did catch these young men as they were heading toward their bus for boarding.

I love this!! The bus driver had hung his hammock between these two buses, taken off his shoes, and settled in for his siesta before the long drive back!  It wasn't too hot outside and there was just enough breeze to make it comfortable.  Rather innovative!

1 comment:

  1. I love that!! a good siesta can be had anywhere:) Mom, you're doing a good job looking out for people in the temple. I'm sure you're an answer to many prayers.
