Sunday, October 1, 2017
Kensington presented a
beautiful Fall day for General Conference although we heard there was snow in
Rigby!! We took a long walk this morning
while we waited for Conference and actually needed our sweatshirts. It is such a blessing to just turn on the
computer and have these meetings come right up at our finger tips since we don’t
have cable TV. Conference was definitely spiritually invigorating.
Between paragraphs here, the
Relief Society Secretary called and asked me to teach the Pres. Hinckley lesson
on October 15, so preparation will fill any spare time that may have lurked in
corners after organ practice and extra study hours at the temple. It’s good to participate, but I haven’t
taught for so long that I’ll be pretty rusty.
Another couple arrived
last evening from Gilmore, AZ; and they know friends of ours from dental school
days. It is amazing how many connections
we have with the missionaries here even though we are so far away from
home. It’s awesome.
Below are a few photos of our apartment.

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