Monday, June 23, 2014
The couple missionaries boarded a black
van this morning about 8:00 and headed out of the city to visit a little town
called Santa Lucia and the tourist “village” of Valle de Angeles. Lucky for us the skies were overcast and the
temperature very moderate so we were very comfortable and even enjoyed a few
rain sprinkles.
Wearing seat belts is not important
here. Glade and I were able to find
ours, however, and dug them out from under the seat backs and made them
work. They have probably never been used
before, but I felt much safer on the crazy drive knowing we were “belted”
in. It was a pretty rough ride, but we
made it and had a lovely day. Last year
about this time, a couple from our ward took us to the same sites, but it was
nice to go again just to have a change of pace from our steady routine here and to go with the other missionaries. Also, one of the presidency members went with us and was responsible for planning the excursion. We appreciated the efforts made on our behalf. There are a few pictures below.
We arrived back here about 3:00 p.m. and had plenty of time to do laundry and catch up on chores a little before heading to bed. Just after dark a major thunderstorm had me opening curtains and windows so we could see the lightning brighten the sky and hear the thunder. It was so loud it made us jump and want to run for cover!! It rained really hard for a while, but all is quiet now.
Brother and Sister Bassett |
Brother and Sister Starkey |
Brother and Sister Peterson |
Cobble-stone streets that were so narrow there was often only room for one vehicle and so steep that going up felt just like going up the initial climb on a roller-coaster! |
This is the van we traveled in. |
I was thinking how glad I was not to be driving my own car on these streets! |
Just a view |
There were lots of gorgeous and colorful flowering bushes and trees, but most of them were seen while we were driving and I just couldn't get pictures. |
Brother and Sister Cruz--and on the right is our van driver. |
This little boy was sitting on the fence by his house engaged in eating or playing with something and the driver stopped to ask him directions. |
This is looking past the little boy and further up the street from his house. |
There are heavy cables everywhere we have been and I assume they are for electricity. |
This pond was actually very, very green; but it did have a couple of brave ducks in it. |
This is our group again. |
Just another view |
It is difficult to see, but the houses are built close together and go right up the hill. Igt reminded us of similar housing in Brazil. |
Glade always finds people to talk to where ever we go and these three had quite an animated conversation. They complemented him on his excellent Spanish. |
We are heading down to board the van. Pres. and Sister Cazier stopped to take a photo. |
These are very upscale homes and the first ones we have seenn that actually have grass and landscaping. Of coures, there are the cables in the way again! |
A painted wall |
This is probably the biggest dog I have ever seen. I had a great view of it next to some kids that would give perspective as to its size, but just as I took the picture a bicyclist rode between us and then the dog moved. But it was really huge!! There were lots of dogs every where and most of them were very skinny. |
It really is a big dog! |
This is where we had our lunch. The tables were outside and the atmosphere was very nice. |
Outdoor landscaping at the restaurant. |
Last one--and the last look at the courtyard at the restaurant. |
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