Sunday, May 25, 2014
Glade’s cold/sinus problem kept him
home from church today, but it isn’t getting worse. I went to Sacrament Meeting by myself. Our ward was divided while we were away and
our new schedule has Relief Society and Priesthood meeting first at 8:30 a.m.
with Sacrament Meeting last. We overlap
schedules with the new ward which starts Sacrament Meeting at 9:00 a.m. The ward is much smaller now and will give
more people an opportunity to serve and learn and grow in new callings. However, we will really miss the people we
won’t see anymore. That part of change
is always hard.
Brother Bassett and Brother Starkey
came over after Sacrament Meeting and gave Glade a blessing. He is counting on giving his FHE lesson
tomorrow night. We’ll see how that goes!
started reading the new Conference issue of the Ensign and it is so inspiring;
it’s hard to put it down. I just wish I
could remember everything that impresses me.
It will just take multiple readings.
I have included a few pictures taken
while I was in Utah. Sometimes I didn’t
have my phone with me to take pictures, so a lot was missed, but Glade took some that helped fill in. If any of you have photos you
want to share, please send them to me.
Following the pictures is a late post of an email I wanted to save to this journal.
We got to see Kristie for one whole day and a half for which we were grateful! |
Our first meal in Logan at the Crepe shope--I don't remember what it is called. |
Lola loved holding her new little cousin, Emma, and was so careful with her. |
Bear had his truck, of course, and was looking for dirt to dig in. |
Hey, Kevin, you are looking pretty comfortable with that sweet baby! |
Looking pretty as ever; we were so happy you came to Logan so we could see you!! |
Sunday morning on our way to Church with Tracen and Melissa, Grover and Eloise. What a way to travel. |
This is great--they can entertain each other all the way to Church!! They look so perfect in their church clothes!! |
Mama Alexis and her sweet Emma |
Three generations!! |
Proud Mom and Dad with baby Emma in Grandma's favorite outfit!! |
Sweet Lola being entertained by Uncle Marc's efforts! |
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Grandpa and Barek at Lake Tahoe. |
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Bear and Kevin! It looks cold, but notice the shorts! |
Grover is such a cutie!! |
And so is his little sister Eloise -- Loi! |
Happy Anniversary! and Good job on your races! |
Sweet baby girl! |
Soon to move from this apartment and out of Logan. |
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Glade and Scott rode bikes in Grand Teton National Park. |
Lookin' good, Scott. |
Millie and Mom-Emily in their backyard.
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Fun in Garfield at Scott's house with Keegan and Ethan. |
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Scott's Birthday!! |
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We still have at least one cat!! Glade mowed our lawn while he was in Garfield. |
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Marc's graduation from Utah State University |
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An awesome bike ride in a park in Salem. Louisa even rode her own bike which she had only had for a week! David is in the covered trailer. Jeff, Louisa, Rachel, James, and Emil. I think it was a cold ride even though it looks warm and sunny! |
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The Boise gang! Front: Megan, Dustin, and Adan; then Damien, Christi, Mike, Dylan, Cael, and Welcome Home Drake!!
Grandpa wanted a crazy candid shot and this is what he got! |
We loved having Justin hang out with us and we were so happy he braved another plane flight to come!! |
Happy Grandma! |
Fun in the hotel pool--they loved the water. |
Justin was so good to play with and help watch the kids since Grandma doesn't do swimming pools. From left: Justin, Amelia, Ethan, and Keegan. |
Late Post -- Monday,
May 19,2014
Hi, Wonderful Family,
Tracen, accompanied by Justin, drove
us to the airport last night to catch our 12:45 a.m. red-eye to Atlanta.
The bags with clothing and gifts for our friend Lupe's children from her
mom in SLC went through the baggage check and customs with no problems.
Our bags each weighed in just under the limit and we felt relieved and
very blessed that all went so smoothly. The flights were great although
every time we fly, we feel like the allotted space per passenger gets smaller
and smaller. The seats don't recline anymore and one can hardly climb
over an empty seat to wiggle into place and maneuver a small personal item
under the seat in front of you.
However, we survived the thrilling
Toncontin Airport landing and all the passengers cheered and clapped after we
had braced during the "braking" and safely taxied down the runway.
It felt so familiar and we relived last year's arrival when the newness
and the unknown faced us head-on. It was all second nature this time and
quite comfortable.
We were hustled through customs and
the check-out process where the bags were all scanned again. Then a man
literally threw our bags onto a cart and wheeled them, while nearly running
through the airport, out to the street to help us hail a van--not a taxi this
time. We had a lot of luggage with both of Lupe's things added to our
We arrived at our apartment about
noon finding it clean and tidy and ready for habitation. Lupe came
and picked up the things her mom had sent and it was like Christmas for her
three little kids. They could hardly wait to get the bags home to have
some "face-time" with Grandma while they opened their surprises.
She was so grateful that we were able to get them to her--thanks, Jeff.
We probably couldn't have done it without your help.
It didn't take too long to settle in,
but we are stiff and tired and feeling our age. It is good to be back, to
greet our friends, and prepare to return to the temple.
We loved the time we had with each of
you and feel renewed, energized, and ready to give the last ten months our very
best. It was hard to leave, but we will settle back into our routine
starting tomorrow feeling blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive
family and so grateful for the chance to be with you. We love you all so
much and are so proud of each of you and your families and the great things you
are all doing. Please keep us in touch and send pictures when you can.
That helps keep me going.
Thanks to everyone who made
sacrifices and special efforts to make our trip so wonderful. Thanks for
all the extra travel and for making time to support us and each other.
You are the best family there is!!
Love you all so much!
Good Night
Your Loving Mom
Love the post and all the pictures! So fun to see! What a great trip you both had!