Monday, December 30,
We spent the day getting our Family
Home Evening ready for tonight and doing laundry. It was great to work on it together although
Glade gave the lesson since it is always in Spanish. Glade insisted that I read a scripture in
Spanish and it is still intimidating since everyone else speaks the
language. Oh, well!! However, he was good to give me a break from
all the cooking we have been doing and ordered a wonderful meal from one of the
obreros who works in the temple and owns a restaurant. He delivered chicken lasagna, rolls, and a
green salad just as FHE was starting. It
was delicious. I made Rice Krispie
treats and we had water and Crystal Light to drink. It all turned out well. The following is Glade’s lesson on setting
goals for the New Year and approaching them “straightway.”
30 de diciembre, 2013
Every Monday night the seven missionary
couples, which include the temple presidency, have a home evening, rotating the
responsibility for the lesson and refreshments. The Cruzes traded with us because they went
home to their family in San Pedro Sula. We had a meal catered and designed a lesson
around New Year’s goals. We prepared a
couple of “paper over the television” power point presentations and titled the
lesson “Straightway,” using the scripture from Mathew 4: 18-22. The Savior chose Peter, Andrew, John, and
James and they straightway followed him.
Beverly read the scripture first in Spanish
then in English. I presented the lesson
around the principle demonstrated by those disciples leaving their nets and
straightway following Him. The Spanish
translation uses the words “al instante” in place of “straightway.” I discussed with the group in Spanish and
English the various meanings of both and their opposite meanings including
These include; instantly, no curves or turns,
no delays, no hesitations, a straight path.
We talked about the opposite of these words which is procrastination,
including; putting off something intentionally and habitually which should be
done. I read the following poem:
“Procrastination is a
silly thing;
It only makes me
But I can change at
any time;
I think I will
I translated it in Spanish so it still
sounded like a poem, sort of.
We talked about mapping a path after deciding
on a goal and the invasion of delays, detours, discouragements, distractions
despair, disinterest, and difficulties [see map “D”]. We discussed how procrastination—
us from going “straightway,”
us from receiving power from the Spirit to thwart the
barrage of “D” invaders, and
us from obtaining our goal.
I concluded by mentioning that, just
as Peter took the first step to straightway follow the Lord, and grew from the
disciple who denied Jesus three times to a man who could not be intimidated by
anyone, we also can achieve unparalleled growth and improvement in our lives as we
follow the Savior “al instante” or “straightway”.
I know that when we identify our
worthy goals, map out our course straightway, do not procrastinate, and have
faith in the Lord, we will be blessed with power to reach our goal. He is there with us every step if we go
I used several ideas from Elder Marvin J. Ashton’s
talk at the April, 1983 General Conference.
Have a Happy New Year and very successful
attainment of your goals.
Love, Dad/Grandpa
Our group writing their "straightway" goals. |
The young blond girl third from the left is the Starkey's daughter Maria who came for Christmas. She is a civil engineering student attending BYU Provo. |
All but the drinks! |
Goals are written and it is time to eat! |
Maria took a couple of pictures so Glade and I could be seen with our group. |
Everyone loved the food that Brother Velaquez prepared and it quickly disappeared. |
Map "D" showing deviations on the path to obtaining a goal. |
Map "S" showing how we can receive power and strength to block the "D" detours of procrastination by going "straightway" toward the goal. |